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If you speak to any football fan, nothing infuriates them more than 'silly season' or as it is better known......the transfer window.


Wanting to see what business your club is going to do, only to read about them linked with some of the most outrageous signings that even the greatest fiction writer couldn't dream up.


One day a player is 99% sure to be joining you, the next they have signed a contract extension or joined your bitter rivals.


It makes even the most ardent football fans consider going into hibernation until the new season kicks-off.

Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil

We decided that Solid at the Back is not here to get under your skin, make you doubt our creditability or what we have to say. For that reason, we will just keep it simple.


Within our transfers section, you can simply see the deals when they are done and the player is part of your club. We take out the pain of you needing to follow Fabrizio Romano like a world-class stalker.


The wait for the new Premier League season often seems never-ending with Saturday afternoons feeling empty. Wandering around the shops with your partner questioning your own sanity after reading that some of the world's best players are joining you as they used to holiday there as a kid.


Instead, we just bring you content to whet your appetite and make you crave that whistle as the new season kicks-off.


We won't leave you high and dry there, bringing you match reports, features and some of the best content daily to make sure that your hunger is well and truly fed.


Solid at the Back.....putting you in the picture.

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